

金沙威尼斯官网教师李秀萍在《Frontiers in environmental Science》发表论文




Frontiers in environmental Science》(17 August 2022)刊发了金沙威尼斯官网李秀萍老师的文章《The relationship between air pollution and company risk-taking: The moderating role of digital finance

Air pollution, an influencing factor for decision-making behavior, is closely related to company risk-taking, which affects high-quality economic development. This study empirically analyzes the influence of air pollution on company risk-taking

and the moderating role of digital finance. The benchmark regression results reveal that air pollution has a significantly negative impact on company risk[1]taking. Mechanism analysis reveals that digital finance that is not “green development-oriented” can strengthen such relationship. The results of the heterogeneity analysis demonstrate that the negative impact of air pollution on risk-taking is more significant within private companies and those located in the

eastern and central regions. Digital finance impacts companies with strict financing constraints more significantly. This study provides a reference for reducing the negative impact of air pollution on high-quality economic development.

Frontiers in environmental Science》为是环境科学类期刊,JCR分区为 Q22021年影响因子为5.411